Community Outreach

Why we do what we do…

As a Catholic institution, Benedictine College adheres to the principles of Catholic social teaching as outlined by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Click here to learn more about why we strive to serve.

Hunger Coalition

Hunger Coalition provides students with opportunities to offer up a meal on Wednesday evenings for someone less fortunate through the Skip-A-Meal program. Volunteers then assemble sack lunches on Friday afternoons and deliver the meals on Saturday mornings.

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”
– Blessed Mother Teresa.

Contact for more information.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a one-on-one mentoring service that provides services to kids ages 5-17. BB/BS matches adult or high school Bigs with kid Littles. The match meets weekly to develop a positive relationship and to help the Little achieve success in life.

 There are two ways to be involved as a Big:

  1. School-based mentoring
    • A school-based mentor meets with a child once a week at the child’s school during lunch or at the end of the school day. A mentor can help with school work, play games, eat lunch with the Little, or just listen to things going on in the child’s life.
  2. Community-based mentoring
    • A community-based mentor typically spends time with a child three to four times each month. A mentor gets to choose the child they spend time with and is encouraged to share interests and hobbies with that child.

There are kids waiting that need a positive role model in their lives!

Contact:  Catherine Kluempers at (913) 360.7580

Boys and Girls Club of Atchison

The Boys and Girls Club of Atchison offers after school mentoring and tutoring to grade school and high school students. The club facility is conveniently located near the Benedictine College campus and offers a variety of volunteer opportunities.

Contact:  Catherine Kluempers at (913) 360.7580

Fall and Spring Break Atchison

Each year the Benedictine College Student Government Association hosts Fall and Spring Break Atchison, two opportunities for students to serve on a mission to the local community. Participants stay and eat with local host families and serve a variety of projects for local residents in need of assistance. Projects generally include painting, cleaning, and minor repairs.

If interested, please contact Catherine Kluempers in the Student Life Office for more details.